Magic beans

Instruction for cultivation


You will surely know the fairy tale about the bean beans. You may say that these are just plain beans on which there is an image, but there is nothing magic about them. However, after planting a bean, a small plant will grow, which will have the picture on the leaves. Do not you believe? So watch



mabic beans


hello kitty bean



We'll have a loose soil in the pot. First, soil the soil and then pour the well so that the bean is approximately 1.5cm deep. Put the bean into the well.




Then we will summarize the soil very finely. It does not matter how you put the bean into the ground, always turn yourself so the picture is not down.



mabic bean with picture


About 5 to 7 days after planting a bean, a small plant will grow, which will have a picture on the key leaves.



magic been


magic bean



Approximately 2 weeks after planting, the plant estimates the key leaves with the image and grows new, much larger leaves that are no longer pictured. Then we can move the plant into a larger flower pot or directly into the garden where the sun and other nutrients from the soil will need. The plant then has classical flowers, and after a few months it also has fruits.



Conditions for cultivation


During germination, the plant needs a slightly moist, plump, well-aerated soil. The most important thing people forget is that the plant needs a large supply of oxygen to the roots. Probably as small as animals. If you are unsure whether your soil is sufficiently aerated, do not dump the beans completely, but leave a small breather hole in the soil.


So too much potting can literally drown the plant. The simplest is to use a pot with a hole on the bottom where excess water flows into the bowl. The water is then poured into the bowl to keep the soil moist. Instead of soil, you can use some rooting substrates such as vemiculite, lignocell, perlite or pulp.


At the beginning of the germination, the plant does not need nutrients, because it has all the necessary substances in stock, and it can absorb the nitrogen gas from the air. It does not need sunlight, which descues the plant unnecessarily, because during the germination there is still no photosynthesis. You can therefore place a flower pot on a work desk or anywhere in the interior where you can see how the plant grows daily.


Even though every one of the beans I look closely at if it does not have a defect, it can happen that many of them planted a small number of deaths. So if you want to give someone an important message, it's better to plant more beans with the same text at a time. The plant is a living entity and must behave with it. On the other hand, whoever grows from tomato and pepper seeds should also handle beans. New beans grow in the legs, but they are pure white without a picture.



bean with name


So, do not you still believe in miracles?